Our home is the only place on earth where we can find solace and comfort. It is our hide out when the world seems to be so cruel to us. It is where we lick our wounds after a painful experience.
We make our home as beautiful and comfortable as possible especially the rooms in the house. We usually focus our energy in beautifying the most favorite part of the house. Mine is my bedroom because it is my very own hideout regardless of the fact that all parts of the house has its own unique and elegant design. While some favors the kitchen or the living room. While most people loves every part of the house. They would spend thousands of dollars just to make their home pleasing and habitable to live in. However, the idea of spending too much for the house is too ludicrous and impractical to some especially when the money is tight.
Well, with our current economy, it is wise to spend our money to a much important matter. But you can still make renovations in your home without spending much. There are several DIY online that you can use as a guide to make your home lovely and cozy. Remember, there is always an artist in everyone which is just waiting to surface. For starters, you can add flowering plants to make the rooms lively. Adding jars also makes a difference. Why not add gooseneck lighting in the exterior of the house  or you can make your own wall light  for the interior for a change. Do not forget to use energy saving lights. It will not only lower your electric bill but you also contribute in saving the world. You can also hang paintings or you can paint the walls with flowers or any unique design. Be creative and make sure that you clean as you go. Just as what a proverbial saying goes, cleanliness is next to godliness.

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